A soft therapeutic approach 
that allies various evidence-based
and humanistic techniques exclusively tailored to your wants and needs

About Me

My name is Carola de Launay and I am a certified Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist. 
My adaptable nature gave me the opportunity to live in different countries and therefore, exchange with people whose backgrounds were culturally and socially different from one another. These connections have allowed me to express my profound empathy which I turned into a skill to help people. 

aJust like you, I am human and we can all agree that being human is complicated. 
Our thoughts, emotions, feelings, social roles tend to get in the way and all of these life elements can be hard to process. However, we all handle life differently and my role as a therapist never fails to remind me that every person is unique. Every person we meet has a different story. This is the reason why it is very important that each session is fully tailored to your language. Your uniqueness is my priority. Therefore, I have chosen to adopt a very flexible approach to my work. Some clients prefer our sessions to be more formal, others prefer having an outdoor session. There is no right or wrong way. Each session is exclusively adapted and based on your preferences as my main priority is your wellbeing. Whether we are meeting at my office, your home, the beach or at a cafe, the foundation of my therapeutic approach are always based on the same components: 

Transparency, Mutual Respect and Trust.


Together, we are a team working on a same project. No matter what I do, I am always guided by compassion, enthusiasm and creativity. Thus, I am dedicated to provide guidance and support as I strongly believe that everyone deserves peace and fulfilment in their life. My role as therapist is not only a passion, it is also a duty I take seriously and if you give me a chance, it would be an honour for me to accompany you on this journey.

About You

You do not need a specific reason to come to therapy. Some people choose to see a therapist to work on a specific issue or towards a specific goal:


Stress due to past/upcoming event – General anxiety

Low self esteem/Lack of confidence – Phobia

Major life’s transition – Habit Reversal

Unhelpful Thoughts – Procrastination

Perfectionism & much more


For others, it is about seeking general guidance or having access to a safe space 

where they can just have a moment for themselves.


A safe space where they can enjoy the peace and quiet. 

A safe space where we can have tea and chat like two friends.

A safe space where they can cry, laugh, vent and get emotional.

A safe space where they are taught to be fully authentic.

A moment that allows them to feel great and safe.


Therapy is not just for people who have problems. Therapy is for everyone and sometimes it is just about your well-being and what would make you feel better.


Please keep in mind that Diversity, Inclusion and Empowerment are essential to me. 
The comfort, trust and confidentiality of my clients are at the heart of my practice. 

My Services

Therapy Differently

Individual Sessions

Individual sessions last about 60 minutes each

During these sessions we will be able to focus on a specific goal or issue that you wish to work on

& Events

Private Group Sessions

Throughout the year, I schedule different therapeutic events and workshops that you can attend 

 A specific theme is normally discussed

These can also be created on demand

Corporate Workshops

Corporate Group Sessions

Specific Workshops and Events are organised for different companies and institutions


No upcoming event at this time

Check back soon or stay up to date via instagram 


Exploring And Boosting Your Self-Esteem

An Evidence-based, Pragmatic & Humanistic Approach to Self-Esteem

-3 Hour Workshop-

Want to hear more about how we can work together?

Schedule A Session/Ask A Question

The decision of starting therapy can be both difficult and scary.
However, I can assure you that it is my duty to maintain a judgment free space where your
comfort, growth and well-being are a priority.

Together, we will explore your story and make sure that every session is exclusively tailored to your wants and needs. Therapy can sometimes be challenging but I am here to help you and guide you through
this healing process.

Please remember that all parts of yourself are embraced and welcome during this journey.


Therapy can help you in many ways. It can help you understand more about your situation and how to improve it. 

Some people like to go to therapy just to be able to discuss, be listened to or have a moment for themselves.

Therapy is also about self-exploration and guidance.

Everyone is welcome in therapy.

Absolutely! Confidentiality is part of a therapist’s code of ethics so it is my duty to keep verbal and written information strictly confidential.

A break in confidentiality only occurs in very specific circumstances (Harm or danger to a person).

The topics addressed in therapy are intimate so it is very important that you feel comfortable with your therapist.

If you feel like I am not the one for you, please do not panic and just inform me.

Honesty, trust and open communication are important aspects of Therapy Differently. 

You have absolutely every right to change and find a therapist that suits you better.

Yes! Therapy Differently can be used to address various types of issues.

However, it is important to note that some issues may not be within my sphere of competence and need to be referred to another professional.

If I believe that this is your case, do not worry, I will discuss about it with you and we will be able to check the different options together.

It will all depend on the the issue you want to work on. I usually specify how many sessions will be needed within the first two sessions.

Not all clients need a specific treatment. Some clients just wish to come to therapy in order to discuss about different topics rather than work on a specific goal.

I am fully aware that some last minute events may occur right before your session is scheduled.

If this is the case, please contact me (Phone, whatsapp, message) as soon as possible.

Kindly note that repetitive lateness or no cancellation can lead to a contract termination.